jQuery is one of the best fronted frameworks ever created. These days there are several other players also, like react, angular and vuejs, but jQuery keeps the top position with a usage in 78% of top million sites. jQuery helps you to avoid the hassle of writing JavaScript functions that suitable for every single web browser out there. jQuery will do the heavy lifting for us. Today’s list we are introducing a list of 50 interesting plugins that enhance your website experience to a higher level.
This includes wide variety of type of plugins such as jQuery carousel sliders, jQuery ui layouts, calendar plugins and jQuery slider plugins etc.
jQuery Slider, Carousel & Gallery Plugins
1) Simple jQuery Slider is powerful, lightweight and an easy to configure jquery slider for your websites.
2) anoFlow is a Lightweight, Responsive, Built on top of jQuery lightbox plugin.
3) bxSlider is powerful responsive content/images jQuery Slider.
4) Owl Carousel is Touch enabled jQuery plugin that lets you create a beautiful responsive carousel slider.
5) nanoGALLERY is a touch enabled and fully responsive image gallery with justified, cascading and grid layout.
6) Justified.js is jQuery Plugin to create Justified grid Image Gallery
7) Shuffle Images is a plugin to shuffle through grid images in a Creative Way with jQuery.
8) Skippr is a lighter, faster slideshow plugin written in jQuery
jQuery Plugins for Web & Mobile Layouts
9) pagePiling.js is a jQuery plugin for ‘piling’ your layout sections over one another and accessing them by scrolling or by url.
10) fullPage.js is a simple and easy plugin for creating fullscreen scrolling websites.
11) JQuery Tilted Page Scroll helps to create a 3D Tilted Scroll Effect
12) gridscrolling.js is a plugin arranges the grid section following section, and asides in between.
13) Flickerplate is a touch-enabled and lightweight plugin that lets you flick through content.
14) jInvertScroll is a lightweight jQuery lets you do vertical scroll and horizontal movement with parallax effect.
15) ANIMSITION is a a simple, lightweight jQuery plugin for css animated page transitions.
16) BrickWork is a lightweight responsive plugin to create dynamic layouts.
17) scrollme is a lightweight plugin adding scrolling effects to websites.
18) smoothState.js is a jquery plugin gives us control on page transitions and progressively enhances page loads.
19) multiScroll.js is jquery plugin that can create split pages with two vertical scrolling panels.
20) matchHeight adjusts the height of all selected elements exactly same.
21) scotchPanels.js is a jQuery plugin to create off canvas menus and navigation.
22) cbFlyout is a jQuery plugin supports responsive navigation
23) HC Off-canvas Nav is a plugin for creating toggled off-canvas multi-level navigation.
jQuery Plugins for Media (Images & Video)
24) YouRam Simple is a plugin createds Gallery of YouTube videos from any channel. Videos can be shown in a popup or as an embed.
25) Fluidbox is replica of medium.com light effect and it opens images without interruption.
26) gifplayer is jQuery pliugin have ability to play and stop animated gif.
27) rowGrid.js A simple, lightweight jQuery plugin for placing items in straight rows with endless scrolling.
28) SVGMagic is a simple jQuery plugin searches svg and converts to PNG in your website for SVG not supported browsers.
29) VIDE is a very simple jQuery plugin for video backgrounds.
30) Dense is a plugin corrects the pixel ratio and makes the website retina-ready.
31) CoverVid is very lightweight plugin that make the HTML5 video behave like a background cover image.
32) jQuery Cropbox plugin is a plugin that make in-place image cropping possible.
33) Face Detection is a powerful jQuery/Zepto plugin detects the faces from images and videos.
jQuery Text Effect Plugins
34) jQuery.fontFlex is a lightweight jQuery plugin, dynamically changes font sizes according to container or browser width.
35) t.js is a lightweight jQuery plugin for typewriter-like text effects.
36) CircleType.js is a jquery plugin creates Flexible & Responsive Curving Text.
37) Morphext is the a simple text rotator powered by jQuery and Animate.css
38) Splitchar.js is simple jQuery plugin that allows you to style half of a character.
jQuery Form Element Plugins
39) BootstrapValidator is a jQuery plugin for validating Bootstrap forms.
40) Labelauty is a jQuery Plugin that helps to style check boxes and radio buttons.
41) fontIconPicker is an elegant icon picker with categories, search and pagination inside your administration forms.
42) HideSeek is simple and customizable jQuery plugin for live search.
43) ClockPicker is a clock-style time picker.
44) jQuery Confirm mailto: is a plugin pop up a confirm dialogue box with users before opening any mailto: link in your web page.
45) jQuery Responsive Tabs is a plugin that provides responsive tab functionality.
46) adaptive-backgrounds.js is a plugin that extracts dominant color from child and apply to it’s parent.
47) jQuery.planetarium is a jQuery plugin that allows you to create interactive planets and build the Universe!
48) table-dragger is a plugin easily add drag-and-drop sorting.
49) Selector is a replacement for jQuery weighing just 5KB.
50) wanker is a funny jQuery plugin that reveals a message when people excessively resizes their web page.
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